
Kridayanti Posting Foto Ini, Penampilan Raul Lemos Banyak Dicibir Netter

Kridayanti Posting Foto Ini, Penampilan Raul Lemos Banyak Dicibir Netter

Bahkan ada netter yang sampai membandingkan penampilan Raul dengan Anang yang sekarang.

Mesothelioma Law Resources

Mesothelioma is a deadliest form of cancer that has developed via the exposure of asbestos. Mesothelioma develops the malignant or cancerous cells in the mesothelium, which is the cell which protects various internal organs in our human body.
The types of mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma. The mesothelioma law resources provide you information on the disease, mesothelioma lawsuits, mesothelioma doctors, and mesothelioma lawyers and other legal resources.

Mesothelioma law resources help a person who has developed the disease in the exposure of asbestos providing the legal resources and further steps for the mesothelioma settlements. Mesothelioma is the disease that damages the cells which surround various internal organs like the heart, lungs and the abdomen. It develops gradually within the human body by damaging the cell lining which covers these organs. Inhaling the asbestos materials from the workplace is a major cause for the development of mesothelioma.

WowKeren.com - Rabu, 18 April Krisdayanti mengunggah foto terbarunya di akun Instagram pribadi. Di foto itu, aktris yang akrab disapa KD ini tampak berpose dengan suami tercintanya, Raul Lemos. Foto itu merupakan gambar repost dari akun Raul sendiri. 

"Bersama ibu persitku#KD# ??," tulis Raul di bagian caption. Bukannya pujian, foto repost di akun KD itu malah justru banjir cibiran dari para netter. Tidak sedikit netter yang mengomentari nyinyir penampilan Raul di foto. Selain itu, ada juga netter yang membandingkan penampilan Raul dengan mantan suami Krisdayanti sebelumnya, Anang Hermansyah.

"Salah ambil celana y om raul..hhhh," komentar yuyunendr***. 

"Jijaaaiiii...lihat si bpk Raul..ndesooo," komentar sittynoore8***. 

"Culun dua2nyahhh...????," komentar salwania***. 

"Jauh beda sana anang," komentar hasanahsha***. 

"Yg ini kata KD lebih strong dn lebih gede cuiiii????????," sindir riamasihit***. 

"Woooowww.....itu celana jeans nya keren banget...jacket camouflase nya ga ada duanya...apalagi orang yang pake.itu mahluk luar angkasa lepas dari planet apa yaaaa...," sindir 1919_9**.

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