Survive the holiday travel season without a Frosty the Snowman-size meltdown.
Wherever you're heading, if you're traveling during the holiday season, you need to realize that everyone else in the world is, too. But don't let invasive security scanners, terrible drivers and long lines at the airports get you down. We're giving you tips to survive the holiday travel season without a Frosty the Snowman-size meltdown.
1: Do your research.
Plan alternative trips if traffic makes your way home too overwhelming. Is there a scenic drive that might be longer but have less traffic? Break up a long drive by finding a few places to stop that will get the kids more excited than a truck rest stop. When flying, make sure you check the airline's restrictions ahead of time on carry-on luggage and fees for checked bags.
Banjarnegara - Gempa berkekuatan 4,4 SR mengguncang Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah siang ini. Tak sedikit rumah warga dan terdapat masjid yang ambruk rata dengan tanah.
Pantauan detikcom di Desa Kasinoman, Kecamatan Kalibening, Banjarnegara, Rabu (18/4/2018), tampak sebuah masjid ambruk rata dengan tanah. Belum diketahui apakah ada orang di dalam bangunan masjid dengan kerangka bangunan warna hijau itu.
Pemandangan lebih parah ada di Dusun Bakalan, Desa Kertosari yang berada di kecamatan yang sama. Sejumlah rumah warga juga tak tersisa.
Sodikin melanjutkan ada beberapa warganya yang terluka. Namun dia belum bisa memberikan jumlah pasti korban luka tersebut.
"Masih didata dulu," lanjutnya.
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