
Resepi Daging salai masak lemak cili padi bersama belimbing buluh

Daging salai masak lemak cili padi bersama belimbing buluh

  • Bahan-bahan:

    Bahan utama
    • 1 kg daging salai 
    • 15 biji belimbing buluh 
    • 4 batang serai dititik 
    • Semangkuk santan segar 
    • 3 keping asam gelugor 

    Bahan kisar
    • 4 ulas bawang merah 
    • Segenggam cili padi kampung (lebih pun boleh) 
    • 1 inci halia 
    • 2 inci kunyit hidup 

    Cara-cara memasak:

    1. Masukkan kesemua bahan kisar kedalam periuk berserta daging salai dan renih sebentar sambil digaul dengan sudip.

    2. Tuangkan santan kedalam periuk bersama serai dan asam keping. Sentiasa kacau. Kemudian, bubuh garam dan serbuk perasa jika suka.

    4. Apabila mendidih, masukkan pula belimbing dan kacau rata. Masak diatas api perlahan sehingga belimbing lembut. Kelembutan belimbing menentukan masakan anda sama ada sudah masak atau tidak.

    TIPS: Rebus daging dulu sebelum salai untuk dapatkan daging yang betul-betul lembut.
    Sumber: iresipi.com

    Many mesothelioma patients are hesitant to file a lawsuit, fearing their case may take a long time to resolve. However, most mesothelioma claims are settled out of court.

    What Are Settlements?

    Mesothelioma settlements are awarded to victims of asbestos exposure who developed mesothelioma as a result of the negligent actions of the asbestos manufacturing companies responsible for producing the asbestos parts and products to which the victim was exposed. Settlements are monetary amounts agreed to by both parties to avoid a trial. Because there is a high degree of uncertainty in trials, settlements are a surefire way to receive compensation.

    Benefits of Settling

    Receive a Negotiated Sum

    The primary benefit of mesothelioma settlements is receiving an agreed upon sum of money. Going to trial can be risky because the outcome is placed in the hands of a jury, whose opinions may be swayed by the defense counsel.

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